Parish magazine Autumn 2022: Cringleford Historical Society Archives:
Since it was founded in 1981, CHS has collected and stored material on the history of Cringleford. We have almost 200 photographs going back to the early 20th century and an album of photographs taken at the millennium to record the village as it was then, There are miscellaneous newspaper articles including the Evening News on the day of the accession of the Queen,; documents advertising and recording village events; notes and photographs on the building of the by-pass; a list of the dates of the construction of all the houses in Cringleford up to c. 1990; plans and photographs of Cringleford Lodge; advertisements for Archie Rice houses.
The Society has also produced booklets on the history of Cringleford and its development from mediaeval times, and memories of Cringleford, Intwood and Keswick from the 1920 -40s. There is a booklet on the important families in Cringleford from the 1850s to the 1950s, although it is now out of print. Its biggest publication was a history of the school in two volumes. Most of these are available from the shop in Intwod Road.
This has not been a systematic gathering of material and we are dependent now on what people find in their attics and give to us. One such find was instructions on how to behave in the event of invasion in 1940 and another was a poster advertising a “Family Fete’ on the Recreation Ground in 1966. One resident gave us a brief history of her house.
A few years ago, the committee donated photographs, scrap books and documents relating to Cringleford, Intwood and Keswick c. 1925 – 2008 to the Norfolk Record Society where it is available to view. The material is not individually catalogued but held in boxed under the reference AC2008/239.
As Cringleford expands with new developments around the older core of the village, it is important to keep all the information we can about the history of the village and what it has been like to live here. We are always pleased to receive new material. Please contact the secretary, Pat Wagstaff,
Minutes of the AGM September 20th 2023
Cringleford Historical Society
Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 7.15pm in St Peter’s Church Hall.
Apologies: Tony Pulfer, Pam Scutter
Minutes of the AGM held 16th March 2022.These minutes were taken as read. A copy was available fo inspection at the back of the Hall
Matters arising: none
Chairman’s introductory remarks: this meeting was the AGM postponed from March 2023 because of unforeseen circumstances and covered the period from April 2022 to March 2023.
An AGM would be held in February 2024 to cover the period April – December 2023.
(Sec.’s note: in the future the AGM would be held in February to cover the year just gone.)
Elections to the committee would be held at the AGM in February.
Committee report: (copy attached)
The Chairman reported six successful meetings. Speakers were always happy to be invited to speak to the Society
Of the summer outings, the guided walk round Norwich was well supported but the outings to Bedfield Hall and Cambridge had had to be cancelled for lack of support.
A commemoration red hawthorn tree had been plated on the Green.
He thanked the committee and helpers. Anthony had found it necessary to resign as Treasurer and his duties had been taken over by the Chairman pro tem.
Treasurer’s report: Anthony reported on the year ending December 2022.
He reported a lower membership, but pointed out that the Society is still in business. The balance in the bank was £1878,99 but over the year the Society had made a loss of £279. 16. Costs over the year had greatly increased, but a reduction in the fee paid for the website made for a substantial saving.
The report was accepted, proposer Malcom Wagstaff, seconder Paul Donovan
Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner: Chris Hopper had agreed to continue and he was appointed by a unanimous show of hands.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.30pm
PAW 22.09.23
The talk on October 18th 2023 by Frances and Michael Holmes on the tram system of Norwich explores some of the impacts on people and the streets: